Close Quotes Page

Last Updated
17 Jul 2007

On the BBC Radio 4 show I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue, one of the rounds requires the teams to complete well known quotations. Here are some of the teams' suggestions, along with some of my suggestions. If you have any ideas you would like included, please e-mail me here, and I will add the best ones (with full credit to you of course)
Just move your mouse over the end of the quotation to reveal all!

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One small step for man...
14 Jan 1989
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...
14 Jan 1989
It is better to have loved and lost...
14 Jan 1989
Breathes there a man with soul so dead...
14 Jan 1989
I'm going out now - I may be gone some time...
14 Jan 1989
Fools rush in...
14 Jan 1989
Some chicken. Some neck...
14 Jan 1989
Blow wind & crack your cheeks...
14 Jan 1989
One small step for man... Best of ISIHAC 1/2
03 Aug 1992
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times... Best of ISIHAC 1/2
03 Aug 1992
It is better to have loved and lost... Best of ISIHAC 1/2
03 Aug 1992
Breathes there a man with soul so dead... Best of ISIHAC 1/2
03 Aug 1992
I'm going out now - I may be gone some time... Best of ISIHAC 1/2
03 Aug 1992
Fools rush in... Best of ISIHAC 1/2
03 Aug 1992
Some chicken. Some neck... Best of ISIHAC 1/2
03 Aug 1992
Blow wind & crack your cheeks... Best of ISIHAC 1/2
03 Aug 1992
One small step for man... ISIHAC 1, Side 1
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times... ISIHAC 1, Side 1
It is better to have loved and lost... ISIHAC 1, Side 1
Breathes there a man with soul so dead... ISIHAC 1, Side 1
I'm going out now - I may be gone some time... ISIHAC 1, Side 1
Fools rush in... ISIHAC 1, Side 1
Some chicken. Some neck... ISIHAC 1, Side 1
Blow wind & crack your cheeks... ISIHAC 1, Side 1
Pride comes before... Oxford
27 Jun 1992
Blood is thicker than... Oxford
27 Jun 1992
Brevity is the soul of... Oxford
27 Jun 1992
If the mountain will not come to Mohamed... Oxford
27 Jun 1992
A swarm of bees in May is worth a load of hay, but a swarm in July... Oxford
27 Jun 1992
It is better to have loved and lost... Oxford
27 Jun 1992
Cleanliness is next to... Oxford
27 Jun 1992
Rome was not built in... Oxford
27 Jun 1992
One swallow does not make... Oxford
27 Jun 1992
There's no smoke without... Oxford
27 Jun 1992
Give a thief enough rope, & he'll... Oxford
27 Jun 1992
When the cat's away, the mice will... Oxford
27 Jun 1992
If you can't beat 'em... Oxford
27 Jun 1992
Hell hath no fury like... Oxford
27 Jun 1992
Pride comes before... ISIHAC 1, Side 3
Blood is thicker than... ISIHAC 1, Side 3
If the mountain will not come to Mohamed... ISIHAC 1, Side 3
A swarm of bees in May is worth a load of hay, but a swarm in July... ISIHAC 1, Side 3
Cleanliness is next to... ISIHAC 1, Side 3
Rome was not built in... ISIHAC 1, Side 3
One swallow does not make... ISIHAC 1, Side 3
There's no smoke without... ISIHAC 1, Side 3
Give a thief enough rope, & he'll... ISIHAC 1, Side 3
When the cat's away, the mice will... ISIHAC 1, Side 3
If you can't beat 'em... ISIHAC 1, Side 3
Hell hath no fury like... ISIHAC 1, Side 3
If you want a thing done well... ISIHAC 1, Side 3
Too many cooks... ISIHAC 1, Side 3
If the cap fits... ISIHAC 2, Side 3
If God did not exist, it would be necessary to... ISIHAC 2, Side 3
Alas, poor Yorick. I knew... ISIHAC 2, Side 3
Of all the gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world, she walks into... ISIHAC 2, Side 3
A fool & his money... ISIHAC 2, Side 3
We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds, in the fields & in the streets. We shall fight in the hills. We shall never... ISIHAC 2, Side 3
If the cap fits... Bury St Edmunds
20 Nov 1993
A fool & his money... Bury St Edmunds
20 Nov 1993
Many hands make... Bury St Edmunds
20 Nov 1993
When in Rome, do... Bury St Edmunds
20 Nov 1993
A little learning is... Bury St Edmunds
20 Nov 1993
Gather ye rosebuds while... Bury St Edmunds
20 Nov 1993
Blessed are the meek, for... Bury St Edmunds
20 Nov 1993
Ask no questions, and you'll be told... Bury St Edmunds
20 Nov 1993
Kill not the goose that lays the golden... Bury St Edmunds
20 Nov 1993
The Devil finds work for... Bury St Edmunds
20 Nov 1993
If God did not exist, it would be necessary to... Edinburgh
13 Nov 1993
If I should die, think only this of me... Edinburgh
13 Nov 1993
If a job's worth doing, it's worth doing... Edinburgh
13 Nov 1993
...and so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask... Edinburgh
13 Nov 1993
If music be the food of love... Edinburgh
13 Nov 1993
Ich bin ein... Edinburgh
13 Nov 1993
Mad dogs & Englishmen go... Edinburgh
13 Nov 1993
If at first you don't succeed... Edinburgh
13 Nov 1993
Lies, damn lies and... Edinburgh
13 Nov 1993
My love is like a red, red... Edinburgh
13 Nov 1993
The Devil finds work for...  
It's a long road...
28 Sep 1987
When shall we three meet again? In thunder, lightning, or in rain...
28 Sep 1987
I must go down to the sea again...
28 Sep 1987
Out of the mouths of babes & sucklings...
28 Sep 1987
To be, or not to be...
28 Sep 1987
He who laughs last...
28 Sep 1987
It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle...
28 Sep 1987
Don't let the sun go down on your... Edinburgh
13 Nov 1993
Should auld acquaintence be forgot, and never brought to mind?...  
Oh give me a home, where the buffalo...  
Walls have ears...  
'Twas brillig and the slithy toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe...  
If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs...  
I met a traveller from an antique land, who said...  
Mad dogs & Englishmen go...  
If Wales could be rolled out as flat as England, it would...  
The curfew tolls the knell of parting day,
The lowing herd winds slowly o'er the lea,
The ploughman homeward plods his weary way...
When shall we three meet again? In thunder, lightning, or in...  
It was a lover and his lass, with a...  
He who laughs last...
27 Sep 1986
The quality of mercy is not strained...
27 Sep 1986
A thing of beauty...
27 Sep 1986
In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man...
27 Sep 1986
Too many cooks...
27 Sep 1986
Neither a borrower or a lender be...
27 Sep 1986
He who hesitates...
27 Sep 1986
There's many a slip twixt...
27 Sep 1986
Hell hath no fury like...
27 Sep 1986
Ulster Protestants Say NO...
27 Sep 1986
If at first you don't succeed...
27 Sep 1986
The wages of sin are...
27 Sep 1986
One swallow does not make...
27 Sep 1986
Walls have ears...
27 Sep 1986
Ten green bottles...  
Two's company, three's...
01 May 1982
When Irish eyes are smiling...
01 May 1982
A bird in the hand is worth...
01 May 1982
Thrice round the duck pond. Thrice round the ley.
Thrice round the hawthorn. Three times three.
Thrice round the cow shed. Thrice round the loon...

01 May 1982
Sir Geoffrey Howe: We never promised instant success, but our policies are bringing results...
07 Jan 1989
Margaret Thatcher: I have seen no more moving sight in the last year...
07 Jan 1989
Prince Charles: What is proposed seems to me like a monstrous carbuncle on the face of a much-loved & elegant friend...
07 Jan 1989
Margaret Thatcher: The National Health Service is safe with us...
07 Jan 1989
Michael Heseltine: I spent some of my time as a matter of fact wandering around St James' Park looking at the varieties there, which were very splendid...
07 Jan 1989
Michael Heseltine: That's not to say I don't do it occasionally, but...
07 Jan 1989
Arthur Scargill: If this woman in Number 10 wants a fight...
07 Jan 1989
Margaret Thatcher: I don't think there will be a woman Prime Minister in my lifetime, as far as I can see...
07 Jan 1989
Ken Livingstone: The day to day life that you lead is pretty awful, endless committee meetings, too much drink around and too many boring people...
07 Jan 1989
Derek Jameson: I'm very old fashioned, and I'm still very shy about all these naked girls...
07 Jan 1989
Tony Benn: We want a leadership more like a wheel...
07 Jan 1989
Terry Wogan: I'll pay you any money to have that destroyed...
07 Jan 1989
Iain Paisley: ...and people right across the whole province, high and low, rich and poor, middle classes, working classes and the upper classes, have all been saying to me... 30th Anniversary Special
13 Apr 2002
Edward Heath: I was strolling along the pier at Broadstairs one Saturday afternoon, and a fellow stepped out of a sort of cubicle there and said 'Can I interest you in'... 30th Anniversary Special
13 Apr 2002
George Bush Snr: They'll push, and I'll say 'No', and they'll push again and I'll say to them 'Read My Lips'... 30th Anniversary Special
13 Apr 2002
William Hague: I was in the school choir, even though I couldn't sing very well. I went on all the German trips even though I didn't study German. I went on all the R.E. trips even though I didn't study R.E. I was... 30th Anniversary Special
13 Apr 2002
Margaret Thatcher: I would just like to remember some words of St. Francis of Assissi which I think are really just particularly apt at the moment: 'Where there is discord, may we bring harmony. Where there is error, may we bring truth. Where there is doubt, may we bring faith and Where there is dispair... 30th Anniversary Special
13 Apr 2002
David Steel: Mr. President - I have the good fortune to be the first Liberal leader for over half a century who is able to say to you at the end of our annual assembly: 'Go back to your constituencies, and prepare... 30th Anniversary Special
13 Apr 2002
Tony Blair: This dome is going to be open on time, and on budget. It is not going to be torn down. It will be a lasting asset for the country. It is a triumph in the end of confidence over cynicism, boldness over blandness and... 30th Anniversary Special
13 Apr 2002
Michael Jackson: That's the most ridiculous, horrifying story I have ever heard. It's crazy... 30th Anniversary Special
13 Apr 2002
Iain Duncan-Smith: If we were clever as Conservatives... 30th Anniversary Special
13 Apr 2002
Ted Hughes (former poet laureate): My manners are tearing off heads on the allotment of death. With one puff of my flight is direct through the bones of the living... 30th Anniversary Special
13 Apr 2002
Elizabeth Taylor: It totally came as a surprise to me. I had no inkling. It was just like WHAAAT! - I can't believe it - it's like ME - getting a... South Bank
26 Jun 2000
Iain Paisley: They use bribery, they use corruption, they use lies, they use deceipt, but... South Bank
26 Jun 2000
John Prescott: I think the relationship between Tony Blair and I are excellent, and there's no doubt about it, Tony Blair is one major... South Bank
26 Jun 2000
The Queen: Inu haifa. Hay mehee anacu tenay kiakotu katoa... South Bank
26 Jun 2000
Prince Charles: Comisario general, Mistros damus et cavaleros. Mi a... South Bank
26 Jun 2000
William Gladstone with a vintage message to Thomas Edison in 1889:
Dear Mr. Edison,
I am profoundly indebted to you not for the entertainment only, but for the...
South Bank
26 Jun 2000
John Major: I've just had the pleasure of opening an addition to a mushroom farm complex in Luxley(?). Later on this morning I'm celebrating the opening of a gas supply at Glinton...
09 Nov 1991
John Major: Perhaps I may remind you that I started my politics on a soap box in Brixton market, so...
09 Nov 1991
Joan Collins: Television is an absolute phenomena. If I actually sat and thought before I did any scenes in Dynasty...
09 Nov 1991
David Icke: Like thousands of other young people, I dreamed of becoming a professional footballer, but...
09 Nov 1991
Peter O'Toole: I was given a job with the Old Vic Company...and I walked up the stairs...from the stage door...up the stairs...and walking up the still...
09 Nov 1991
Dan Quayle: There are a lot of experiences...that I've had...that have shaped my adult philosophy, but...the one that I keep coming back to...time and time again, and it's advice maternal grandmother...Martha Pullen...who's 97 years old...the advice that she gave advice that...I've given to a number of children, a number of people, and it's very's very common sense...and she says...
09 Nov 1991
Prince Philip: I find that I write something that I think is, you know, tremendously deep and well thought out and extremely valuable and...
09 Nov 1991
Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we... Kevin Hale
At the end of the day... Kevin Hale
Too many cooks...
02 Nov 1991
Red sky at night...
02 Nov 1991
A fool & his money...
02 Nov 1991
No man is an island...
02 Nov 1991
To lose one parent, Mr. Worthing, may be regarded as a misfortune...
02 Nov 1991
Don't count your chickens...
02 Nov 1991
A little knowledge...
02 Nov 1991
What you lose on the swings...
02 Nov 1991
In for a penny...
23 Nov 1991
People who live in glass houses...
23 Nov 1991
Once bitten...
23 Nov 1991
The way to a man's heart is through his...
23 Nov 1991
Better late than...
23 Nov 1991
It's an ill wind that blows...
23 Nov 1991
See no evil. Hear no evil...
23 Nov 1991
He who laughs last...
23 Nov 1991
What goes up must...
23 Nov 1991
Margaret Thatcher: I'm very thrilled too that Dennis's tremendous work has been recognised. You know, he's done it in his own style, in his own way...
23 May 1992
Dan Quayle: ...because the question you're what kind of qualifications does Dan Quayle have to be President. What kind of qualifications do I have and what would I do in this kind of a situation...and what would I do in this situation? I would...
23 May 1992
Andrew Lloyd-Webber: I don't think that we have, really, you see. I think that a different kind of animal to me in the sense that he's a...
23 May 1992
Gyles Brandreth: Gyles Brandreth, parliamentary candidate fot the city of Chester, sometime holder of the world record for...
23 May 1992
Paul Daniels: I think it's very peculiar in this country in that I've had a top rated television series...
23 May 1992
Prince Charles: 'Cos we always used to get them from South they're virtually all home grown. I've got one...
23 May 1992
Gerald Kaufmann: When I walked through the door, I didn't experience the smell which used to greet me here when I came through the door, and which was the smell of...
23 May 1992
David Icke: Well now a look back at the highlights of the weekend, and it was a weekend on this occasion dominated by football, cricket, and more than anything...
23 May 1992
Kenneth Branagh: To be, or not to be...
23 May 1992
Michael Winner: When I was five, I really gave my first film show, and that was...
23 May 1992
If you want a thing done well... Buxton
14 Nov 1992
In Xanadu did Kubla Khan
A stately pleasure dome decree...
14 Nov 1992
You can't make a silk purse out of... Buxton
14 Nov 1992
Fifteen men on a dead man's chest... Buxton
14 Nov 1992
Frankly my dear, I don't give a... Buxton
14 Nov 1992
Nelson: England expects that every man will do his... Buxton
14 Nov 1992
Doctor Livingstone I presume?... Buxton
14 Nov 1992
A little knowledge... Martin Kelly
If we were clever as Conservatives... Martin Kelly
Red Sky At Night... Martin Kelly
John Major: I don't promise you that it will be easy, and I don't promise you that it will be quick, because it will be neither easy nor quick. If you will forgive me, I will go into No. 10 straight away, and make... ISIHAC 2, Side 2
John Major: It's a pretty nerve wracking thing to do the first time. Unless you've done it, you can't imagine quite what it's like, and to do it for the first time in the circumstances that I did it was pretty nerve wracking, but... ISIHAC 2, Side 2
John Major: Everybody told me not to do it. Everybody told me the rest of the world would turn their nose up at it - that I'd end up with custard on my face looking extremely stupid... ISIHAC 2, Side 2
Robert Maxwell: I may have money, but I don't have... ISIHAC 2, Side 2
Prince Charles: You might like to know, it's harder than it looks... ISIHAC 2, Side 2
Bill Wyman: It hasn't really had chance to grow into anything... ISIHAC 2, Side 2
Michael Jackson: It's instinct. It's escapism. It's just getting away from everything and just moving your body and letting all the tension and pain out, and it's... ISIHAC 2, Side 2
Chris Eubank: Let me explain something to you: Being a husband is a game; Being a romantic is a game; Being a father is a game; Being a boxer is a game;... ISIHAC 2, Side 2
Ann Widdicombe: For me personally, and it is only a personal statement, this is just the last straw in a very large bale of straws. I do not see that it's now possible to... ISIHAC 5, Side 2
Prince Charles: I'm not...I'm not very good at being a performing monkey. I'm not prepared just... ISIHAC 5, Side 2
Prince Philip: I know that I can speak for the Worldwide Fund For Nature, and probably for the whole conservation movement, in welcoming... ISIHAC 5, Side 2
Peter Mandelson (being interviewed by James Naughtie):
[Peter Mandelson] I've got a big smile on my face, but as you know, I'm a very cautious fellow
[James Naughtie] Oh yes, of course you are, but do you think it's a big one?
[Peter Mandelson] I think it is likely to be a substantial one, and it is going to be a...
ISIHAC 5, Side 2
Saddam Hussein's official spokesman: For it is a right on all of us to carry out the Holy Jihad...the Holy War of Islam, to liberate the Holy...the Holy... ISIHAC 5, Side 2
John Redwood: I'm talking about schoolgirls, 14 year olds, 15 year olds, maybe 16 year olds. I'm not just talking about the money. One of the problems if you invite young women into flats before they've got any qualifications and are not properly equipped for the adult world is... ISIHAC 5, Side 2
Gyles Brandreth: Gyles Brandreth, parliamentary candidate fot the city of Chester, sometime holder of the world record for... ISIHAC 3, Side 4
Harold Wilson: It was a shambles...from start to finish... ISIHAC 3, Side 4
Robert Maxwell: I decided to come to Britain, so I am here by choice. I landed not as a refugee, but with a rifle in my hand... ISIHAC 3, Side 4
Arthur Scargill: I believe that over the past 12 months, I have demonstrated that I am prepared to fight the board, or the government, to the death... ISIHAC 3, Side 4
Margaret Thatcher: They invoke the word 'democracy', but they practice single-party rule by a self-appointed oligarchy... ISIHAC 3, Side 4
Kenneth Branagh: To be, or not to be... ISIHAC 3, Side 4
Leon Britton: I had a Dutch phase when I...this was at school... ISIHAC 3, Side 4
Paul Daniels: I think it's very peculiar in this country in that I've had a top rated television series... ISIHAC 3, Side 4
Elizabeth Taylor: It totally came as a surprise to me. I had no inkling. It was just like WHAAAT! - I can't believe it - it's like ME - getting a... ISIHAC 6, Side 4
Iain Paisley: They use bribery, they use corruption, they use lies, they use deceipt, but... ISIHAC 6, Side 4
John Prescott: I think the relationship between Tony Blair and I are excellent, and there's no doubt about it, Tony Blair is one major... ISIHAC 6, Side 4
The Queen: Inu haifa. Hay mehee anacu tenay kiakotu katoa... ISIHAC 6, Side 4
Prince Charles: Comisario general, Mistros damus et cavaleros. Mi a... ISIHAC 6, Side 4
William Gladstone with a vintage message to Thomas Edison in 1889:
Dear Mr. Edison,
I am profoundly indebted to you not for the entertainment only, but for the...
ISIHAC 6, Side 4
Ken Dodd: Sometimes people say 'Where is the hardest audience in the world?' The hardest audience in the world...
17 Feb 1990
Ken Dodd: The secret of happiness is to create something...
17 Feb 1990
Dolly Parton: I've always dreamed of meeting the Queen, and I've had a lot of people ask me what it was like, and she said several words to me...
17 Feb 1990
Esther Rantzen: Two-thirds of me is, I think, wildly extrovert...
17 Feb 1990
Jeffrey Archer: There is no such thing as government money. There is the money you earn, the money I earn...
17 Feb 1990
Jeffrey Archer: The secret for a person wanting to start a career in writing is: first, get an agent...
17 Feb 1990
Margaret Thatcher: I don't think any woman in power, or any woman in life will really have a happy life unless she's got...
17 Feb 1990
Zsa Zsa Gabor: I love it! I love actually everything was beautiful. I love a beautiful woman...a beautiful man...
17 Feb 1990
Prince Edward: Oh, it's perfectly true, I mean you can''ve got to be very careful who you talk to. If you talk to a girl more than three times in a week then...
01 Dec 1990
Michael Heseltine: You don't go around expecting people to squirt paint over you, so it does have a sort of momentary shock...
01 Dec 1990
Andrew Lloyd-Webber: What this will mean is that I am going to be able to continue to devote more and more time to composing, but of course, as people become more aware of the fact that there is an excellent business team there, I can really do what I'm best at, which is...
01 Dec 1990
Oliver Reed: I wanted...why show business? I can't spell, I can't add up...
01 Dec 1990
Edwina Currie: I'm a North Country girl. I come from Liverpool, and I represented a ward in Birmingham for eleven years, and I represent a seat in Derbyshire, and where I come from, we call a spade...well, at the very least we call it...
01 Dec 1990
Margaret Thatcher: Now you can see, it's really rather dark, purply colour...
01 Dec 1990
George Best: People always want you to, you know, you've got to give them the answer, you know, you've got to say 'Yes it's true' or 'No it's not', but this...everything isn't black and white...
01 Dec 1990
John Major: I'd like firstly, if I may, to thank my many parliamentary colleagues for the tremendous support they've given me today. It's an enormous...
01 Dec 1990
John Major: I want no complacency in any quarter. I do want to see more privatisation, and I want to see... London
04 Dec 1993
John Major: I don't promise you that it will be easy, and I don't promise you that it will be quick, because it will be neither easy nor quick. If you will forgive me, I will go into No. 10 straight away, and make... London
04 Dec 1993
John Major: It's a pretty nerve wracking thing to do the first time. Unless you've done it, you can't imagine quite what it's like, and to do it for the first time in the circumstances that I did it was pretty nerve wracking, but... London
04 Dec 1993
John Major: Everybody told me not to do it. Everybody told me the rest of the world would turn their nose up at it - that I'd end up with custard on my face looking extremely stupid... London
04 Dec 1993
Robert Maxwell: I may have money, but I don't have... London
04 Dec 1993
Prince Charles: You might like to know, it's harder than it looks... London
04 Dec 1993
Boris Yeltsin: The word 'afraid' - I don't know what you mean by that, but... London
04 Dec 1993
Graham Taylor: In fact, what we did, we came through and said, well there's a goal at one end of the pitch, we're going to attack it, and the more times we're attacking that goal... London
04 Dec 1993
John Major: I go whenever I can, which isn't as often as I would wish, but really I...
25 Jun 1994
Princess Margaret: She talks marvellously to everybody, you know, she never stops...always...everything's outgoing, and there's nothing she doesn't know about the Commonwealth, the investitures, oh I don't know how she does them, she talks to every single person. I'm always...
25 Jun 1994
Loyd Grossman: The recipe that I've cooked the most at home is so unbelievably simple, gosh it's good, it's
25 Jun 1994
Bill Wyman: It hasn't really had chance to grow into anything...
25 Jun 1994
Michael Jackson: It's instinct. It's escapism. It's just getting away from everything and just moving your body and letting all the tension and pain out, and it's...
25 Jun 1994
Chris Eubank: Let me explain something to you: Being a husband is a game; Being a romantic is a game; Being a father is a game; Being a boxer is a game;...
25 Jun 1994
Alan Clark: Nostalgia is one of my character defects, and um...
25 Jun 1994
Derek Jameson: Robert Maxwell was exceedingly kind to me, another one was Jeffrey Archer, and er...
25 Jun 1994
You can't teach an old dog new... Bath
05 Nov 1994
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it... Bath
05 Nov 1994
There's no fool like an... Bath
05 Nov 1994
Give a man a fish, & you feed him for a day; Teach a man to fish &... Bath
05 Nov 1994
Some men have only one book in them, others... Bath
05 Nov 1994
Birds of a feather... Bath
05 Nov 1994
It's an ill wind that... Bath
05 Nov 1994
See a pin and pick it up, and all day you'll have... Bath
05 Nov 1994
Don't try to run before you can... Bath
05 Nov 1994
He who sups with the Devil has need of... Bath
05 Nov 1994
The early bird catches... Bath
05 Nov 1994
Play it Sam, play... West End
19 Nov 1994
We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields & in the streets. We shall fight in the hills. We shall never... West End
19 Nov 1994
The best laid plans of mice & men... West End
19 Nov 1994
Of all the gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world, she walks into... West End
19 Nov 1994
Alas, poor Yorick. I knew... West End
19 Nov 1994
E.T. phone... West End
19 Nov 1994
The King asked the Queen, & the Queen asked the dairymaid, could we have some... West End
19 Nov 1994
It is a far, far better thing that I do than... West End
19 Nov 1994
Go ahead Punk, make my... West End
19 Nov 1994
Genius is 2% inspiration &... West End
19 Nov 1994
Ann Widdicombe: For me personally, and it is only a personal statement, this is just the last straw in a very large bale of straws. I do not see that it's now possible to... Southsea
25 May 1998
The Duchess of York: Actually a gentleman sat next door to me once. I said, you know, Prince Albert was a great dad, he really was, and this man said... Southsea
25 May 1998
Prince Edward: I've been promoted, I think, from when I was just a general dog's body, and this time unfortunately I'm going to be... Southsea
25 May 1998
Peter Mandelson (being interviewed by James Naughtie):
[Peter Mandelson] I've got a big smile on my face, but as you know, I'm a very cautious fellow
[James Naughtie] Oh yes, of course you are, but do you think it's a big one?
[Peter Mandelson] I think it is likely to be a substantial one, and it is going to be a...
25 May 1998
Prince Charles: I'm not...I'm not very good at being a performing monkey. I'm not prepared just... Southsea
25 May 1998
Saddam Hussein's official spokesman: For it is a right on all of us to carry out the Holy Jihad...the Holy War of Islam, to liberate the Holy...the Holy... Southsea
25 May 1998
Prince Philip: I know that I can speak for the Worldwide Fund For Nature, and probably for the whole conservation movement, in welcoming... Southsea
25 May 1998
John Redwood: I'm talking about schoolgirls, 14 year olds, 15 year olds, maybe 16 year olds. I'm not just talking about the money. One of the problems if you invite young women into flats before they've got any qualifications and are not properly equipped for the adult world is... Southsea
25 May 1998
Margaret Thatcher: The same old record, the same old cracked records coming out... I'm Sorry I Haven't A Desert Island
11 Jan 1999
Margaret Thatcher: They invoke the word 'democracy', but they practice single-party rule by a self-appointed oligarchy... I'm Sorry I Haven't A Desert Island
11 Jan 1999
Margaret Thatcher: At this conference last year, you remember that I said "The National Health Service is safe with us"... I'm Sorry I Haven't A Desert Island
11 Jan 1999
Robert Maxwell: I may have money, but I don't have... I'm Sorry I Haven't A Desert Island
11 Jan 1999
Prince Charles: You might like to know, it's harder than it looks... I'm Sorry I Haven't A Desert Island
11 Jan 1999
Jeffrey Archer: There is no such thing as government money. There is the money you earn, the money I earn... I'm Sorry I Haven't A Desert Island
11 Jan 1999
Michael Jackson: It's instinct. It's escapism. It's just getting away from everything and just moving your body and letting all the tension and pain out, and it's... I'm Sorry I Haven't A Desert Island
11 Jan 1999
Derek Jameson: I'm very old fashioned, and I'm still very shy about all these naked girls... I'm Sorry I Haven't A Desert Island
11 Jan 1999
Chris Eubank: Let me explain something to you: Being a husband is a game; Being a romantic is a game; Being a father is a game; Being a boxer is a game;... I'm Sorry I Haven't A Desert Island
11 Jan 1999
Esther Rantzen: Two-thirds of me is, I think, wildly extrovert... I'm Sorry I Haven't A Desert Island
11 Jan 1999
Bill Wyman: It hasn't really had chance to grow into anything... I'm Sorry I Haven't A Desert Island
11 Jan 1999
Iain Paisley: ...and people right across the whole province, high and low, rich and poor, middle classes, working classes and the upper classes, have all been saying to me... 2002 Xmas Special Compilation
30 Dec 2002
William Hague: I was in the school choir, even though I couldn't sing very well. I went on all the German trips even though I didn't study German. I went on all the R.E. trips even though I didn't study R.E. I was... 2002 Xmas Special Compilation
30 Dec 2002
Tony Blair: This dome is going to be open on time, and on budget. It is not going to be torn down. It will be a lasting asset for the country. It is a triumph in the end of confidence over cynicism, boldness over blandness and... 2002 Xmas Special Compilation
30 Dec 2002
Iain Duncan-Smith: If we were clever as Conservatives... 2002 Xmas Special Compilation
30 Dec 2002
Ted Hughes (former poet laureate): My manners are tearing off heads on the allotment of death. With one puff of my flight is direct through the bones of the living... 2002 Xmas Special Compilation
30 Dec 2002
Willie Whitelaw: I was never a very great figure at school...
12 Oct 1987
Prince Charles: One of these days I shall wake up...
12 Oct 1987
Pik Botha: We are a self-respecting country...
12 Oct 1987
Joan Collins: I'm the sort of person who likes all kinds of things...
12 Oct 1987
Margaret Thatcher: If I had ever had a fairy godmother...
12 Oct 1987
Cecil Parkinson: There are literally hundreds of people...
12 Oct 1987
Roy Hattersley: I've never seen anything like it. It's just a new experience...
12 Oct 1987
David Frost: It can go off in almost any direction...
12 Oct 1987
Sir Geoffrey Howe: We never promised instant success, but our policies are bringing results...
25 Apr 1989
Margaret Thatcher: I have seen no more moving sight in the last year...
25 Apr 1989
Prince Charles: What is proposed seems to me like a monstrous carbuncle on the face of a much-loved & elegant friend...
25 Apr 1989
Margaret Thatcher: The National Health Service is safe with us...
25 Apr 1989
Michael Heseltine: I spent some of my time as a matter of fact wandering around St James' Park looking at the varieties there, which were very splendid...
25 Apr 1989
Michael Heseltine: That's not to say I don't do it occasionally, but...
25 Apr 1989
Arthur Scargill: If this woman in Number 10 wants a fight...
25 Apr 1989
Margaret Thatcher: I don't think there will be a woman Prime Minister in my lifetime, as far as I can see...
25 Apr 1989
Ken Livingstone: The day to day life that you lead is pretty awful, endless committee meetings, too much drink around and too many boring people...
25 Apr 1989
Derek Jameson: I'm very old fashioned, and I'm still very shy about all these naked girls...
25 Apr 1989
Tony Benn: We want a leadership more like a wheel...
25 Apr 1989
Terry Wogan: I'll pay you any money to have that destroyed...
25 Apr 1989
I'm going out now - I may be gone some time...
02 May 1989
Fools rush in...
02 May 1989
Some chicken. Some neck...
02 May 1989
Blow wind & crack your cheeks...
02 May 1989
This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this... Kevin Hale
It's a long road...
26 Dec 1989
When shall we three meet again? In thunder, lightning, or in rain...
26 Dec 1989
I must go down to the sea again...
26 Dec 1989
Out of the mouths of babes & sucklings...
26 Dec 1989
To be, or not to be...
26 Dec 1989
He who laughs last...
26 Dec 1989
It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle...
26 Dec 1989
Sir Geoffrey Howe: We never promised instant success, but our policies are bringing results...
13 Jan 1990
Margaret Thatcher: I have seen no more moving sight in the last year...
13 Jan 1990
Prince Charles: What is proposed seems to me like a monstrous carbuncle on the face of a much-loved & elegant friend...
13 Jan 1990
Margaret Thatcher: The National Health Service is safe with us...
13 Jan 1990
Michael Heseltine: I spent some of my time as a matter of fact wandering around St James' Park looking at the varieties there, which were very splendid...
13 Jan 1990
Michael Heseltine: That's not to say I don't do it occasionally, but...
13 Jan 1990
Arthur Scargill: If this woman in Number 10 wants a fight...
13 Jan 1990
Margaret Thatcher: I don't think there will be a woman Prime Minister in my lifetime, as far as I can see...
13 Jan 1990
Ken Livingstone: The day to day life that you lead is pretty awful, endless committee meetings, too much drink around and too many boring people...
13 Jan 1990
Derek Jameson: I'm very old fashioned, and I'm still very shy about all these naked girls...
13 Jan 1990
Tony Benn: We want a leadership more like a wheel...
13 Jan 1990
Terry Wogan: I'll pay you any money to have that destroyed...
13 Jan 1990
(d?) after venue signifies a query regarding the Date of broadcast,
(??) signifies a query regarding Venue of broadcast

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